Monday, September 25, 2006


你玩過這款燈籠沒有?幾天前家裏就掛起了這個應節,哈哈,很古老的感覺,我很小的時候就玩過啦~還記得我以前玩的那個很大的,白色的大兔子,可以在地上拖來拖去。現在這個很迷你,只有手掌那麼大,不過detail位都沒有變:1)兔腳仍然是小輪子──可以在地上拖行,2) 兔子還有小尾巴,好得意~ ^o^


Anonymous said...

This kind of rabbit latern was my favourite latern when I was a kid.

I still really like it. :D

yvonne said...

I like the butterfly lantern (made by "glass paper") the most! but the shape of butterfly is so fragile and "open", the candle will blow out easily. I can't find that kind of lantern now lu....

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